October 7, 2022 is Manufacturing Day! Save the Date!

Every year since October 1, 2012, America’s manufacturing sector opens its doors to celebrate Manufacturing Day on the first Friday of October.
For those interested in making things with mind and machines, it is a day that begins a month of inspirational experiences. This year America’s manufacturing sector is again gearing up to celebrate the manufacturing sector’s contribution to the United States’ economic power.
As manufacturers seek to fill 4 million high-skill, high-tech and high-paying jobs over the next decade, National Manufacturing Day empowers manufacturers to come together to address their collective challenges so they can help their communities and future generations thrive.
Excited about your future!
Student, teachers, and parents!
Save the Date! October 7, 2022
If you are a student, teacher, parent, or just someone generally interested in machines and creating things with moving parts, you will find our team excited to meet you. Our event will include a plant tour, machine demos, hands on activities and face time with industry professionals for students and educators.
What is the purpose of manufacturing Day?
Manufacturing Day is held on the first Friday of October. Organized by the National Association of Manufacturers, its purpose is to:
We look forward to hosting more students on October 7, 2022.“…raise awareness among students, parents, educators and the general public about modern manufacturing and the rewarding careers available.”
Past years!
National Manufacturing Day was an absolute success last year. Out of the Box Manufacturing hosted over 120 students from 5 Schools, - and various College and career and education professionals .
A big thanks to our partners!
We could not make an impact without our partners in this event:
- MaRCTech2
- Association of Washington Business
Out of the Box Manufacturing, remains committed to providing inspiration and encouragement for students considering a career in electronic manufacturing. Students are served well with opportunities in an industry that combines technical know-how, innovation, and cutting-edge technology; the future appears very bright for the contract manufacturing industry.
Call to action: if you would like to sign up for a tour time slot at OBMFG, please let Allison know ASAP! Our event will include a plant tour, machine demos, hands on activities and face time with industry professionals.
Save the date! October 7, 2022.
There is more to follow!